Creative Contemplation Podcast Archives

Join Creative Contemplation Podcast host & creator, Suzanne Lago Arthur for engaging discussions with creative professionals about their work, what inspires them, how we can all learn from them and in the process, discover new avenues for our own artistic self-development.

Available wherever you get your podcasts including Apple, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google, iHeart Radio & Stitcher platforms. All episodes will also be permanently archived on this page and available for free to all.

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Season 3

Creative Contemplation with Suzanne Lago Arthur
S3E10 Bryan Whitney; Photographing the Transcendent and the Unseen

S310 Bryan Whitney; Photographing the Transcendent and the Unseen

Suzanne Lago Arthur, host and creator of The Creative Contemplation Podcast has a fascinating conversation with NYC based photographer and artist, Bryan Whitney who specializes in alternative methods of imaging such as X-Rays, 3-D Imagery and Virtual Reality and uses them to explore subjects in our world that are both seen and unseen.

Creative Contemplation with Suzanne Lago Arthur
S3E9 Rob Evans; Magic Realist Artist Elevating the Ordinary into the Extraordinary

S3E9 Rob Evans; Magic Realist Artist Elevating the Ordinary into the Extraordinary

Suzanne Lago Arthur, host and creator of The Creative Contemplation Podcast interviews famed Magic Realist Artist, Rob Evans about his fantastic work and his amazing career which includes hanging alongside many of his own artistic idols.

Creative Contemplation with Suzanne Lago Arthur
S3E8 Bethann Moran-Handzlik; Painting from Intuition, Memory and Observation

S3E8 Bethann Moran-Handzlik; Painting from Intuition, Memory and Observation

Join Suzanne Lago Arthur, host and creator of The Creative Contemplation podcast for this deep and enlightening conversation with Wisconsin based painter, Bethann Moran-Handzlik on the subjects of intuition, memory and painting from observation. This is an episode that will stay with you and transform the way you think about painting.

Creative Contemplation with Suzanne Lago Arthur
S3E7 Erin Raedeke; Reimagined Memories Through Painting

S3E7 Erin Raedeke; Reimagined Memories Through Painting

In S3E7 of the Creative Contemplation Podcast, host & creator Suzanne Lago Arthur has a thoughtful conversation with Washington DC area painter, Erin Raedeke about her beginnings, her international career and the process and creation of her largely memory-based paintings.

Creative Contemplation with Suzanne Lago Arthur
S3E6 Ferrier, Bishop & Van Dyke

S3E6 Ferrier, Bishop & Van Dyke

Creative Contemplation podcast host & creator Suzanne Lago Arthur has a light-hearted yet insightful conversation with three artists; Jodi Kolker Ferrier, Lindy Bishop and Rachael Van Dyke about their work, their interactions as both colleagues and friends and the artist residencies that they have participated in together. Are you a Creative that wants to broaden your horizons and travel? Then this episode is for you!

Creative Contemplation with Suzanne Lago Arthur
S3E5 Kai Samuels-Davis Continued

S3E5 Kai Samuels-Davis Continued

Creative Contemplation podcast host & creator Suzanne Lago Arthur continues her S3E4 conversation with American painter Kai Samuels-Davis about his journey to becoming an artist, his re-discovery of self and how in the process he discovered his own artistic voice. Kai describes in detail the inspiration behind his current body of work and his solo show "Emergence" at Ryan Graff Contemporary which runs until June 29th, 2024. Check out the S3E4 episode with Kai before listening to this one. Both episodes delve deeply into the topics of spirituality and creativity.

Creative Contemplation with Suzanne Lago Arthur
S3E4 Kai Samuels-Davis

S3E4 Kai Samuels-Davis

Creative Contemplation podcast host & creator Suzanne Lago Arthur has an enlightening conversation with American painter Kai Samuels-Davis about his journey to becoming an artist, his re-discovery of self and how in the process he discovered his own artistic voice. Kai describes in detail the inspiration behind his current body of work and his solo show "Emergence" at Ryan Graff Contemporary. This mind-expanding episode delves deeply into the topics of spirituality and creativity.

Creative Contemplation with Suzanne Lago Arthur
S3E3 Laura Smith

S3E3 Laura Smith

Creative Contemplation podcast host & creator Suzanne Lago Arthur has a very special conversation with British painter Laura Smith about her work, her formative years and the extraordinary training she acquired with some of Britain's most beloved observational painters.  This is truly an episode you don't want to miss!

Creative Contemplation with Suzanne Lago Arthur
S3E2 Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco

S3E2 Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco

Creative Contemplation podcast host & creator Suzanne Lago Arthur has a delightful conversation with the Italian painter Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco about her painting and printmaking practices and the self-discovery she has gained from her work.

Creative Contemplation with Suzanne Lago Arthur
S3E1 Teresa Oaxaca Returns

S3E1 Teresa Oaxaca Returns

Creative Contemplation podcast host & creator Suzanne Lago Arthur has an engaging conversation with her friend, the classical surrealist painter, Teresa Oaxaca. In this episode, Teresa and Suzanne discuss how to best align your life so that you are engaging in your creative practice as much as possible and making a living from it.

Season 2

Creative Contemplation with Suzanne Lago Arthur
S2E10 Stephen Copeland

S2E10 Stephen Copeland

Creative Contemplation podcast host & creator Suzanne Lago Arthur has a fascinating conversation with writer Stephen Copeland about his latest memoir, In the House of the Rising Sounds published by Resource Publications, which explores the themes of "thin spaces" and the connection between spirituality and creativity which he discovered at the famed blues venue in Charlotte, NC - the Double Door Inn.  Be sure to listen to this mind-expanding episode perfectly timed for Christmas.

Creative Contemplation with Suzanne Lago Arthur
S2E9 Franklin White

S2E9 Franklin White

Creative Contemplation podcast host & creator Suzanne Lago Arthur reconnects with one of her most beloved Corcoran School of Art professors, the artist Franklin White. Suzanne and Franklin have a delightful conversation about his solo show, "Franklin White, An American in Venezuela" at the American University Museum, Katzen Center in Washington DC which is currently hanging until December 10th, 2023.

Creative Contemplation with Suzanne Lago Arthur
S2E8 Victoria Browning Wyeth

S2E8 Victoria Browning Wyeth

In this very special Halloween themed episode, Creative Contemplation podcast host & creator Suzanne Lago Arthur interviews Victoria Browning Wyeth, the only grandchild of the iconic American artist, Andrew Wyeth. Victoria generously discusses with Suzanne what it was like growing up in such a famous family of artists.  She shares fond memories of both her grandfather Andrew and her Uncle Jamie while discussing details of their work, techniques and process.

To read a previously posted Blog about my pilgrimage to Andrew’s studio and the Brandywine Museum, click HERE.

Creative Contemplation with Suzanne Lago Arthur
S2E7 Daniel Shadbolt

S2E7 Daniel Shadbolt

Creative Contemplation podcast host & creator, Suzanne Lago Arthur has an insightful conversation with British painter Daniel Shadbolt about his formation as an artist, his work and practice and his unending search for the subtle nuances of color and atmosphere in painting.

Creative Contemplation with Suzanne Lago Arthur
S2E6 Dan Finaldi

S2E6 Dan Finaldi

Creative Contemplation podcast host & creator, Suzanne Lago Arthur interviews realist painter and arts educator, Daniel  "Dan" Finaldi, about his work and life and his decades long friendship with two of his greatest mentors, Lois Dodd and Mel Leipzig.

Creative Contemplation with Suzanne Lago Arthur
S2E5 David Cheifetz

S2E5 David Nishita Cheifetz

Creative Contemplation podcast host & creator, Suzanne Lago Arthur interviews oil painter David Nishita Cheifetz on the development of his career, the role intuition plays in his work and his embrace of and explorations in the nascent worlds of NFTs & AI.

Creative Contemplation with Suzanne Lago Arthur
S2E4 Mia Bergeron

S2E4 Mia Bergeron
Creative Contemplation podcast host & creator, Suzanne Lago Arthur has a delightful and deep conversation with oil painter Mia Bergeron about her classical training and her "shift" into the unique artistic style she has today.  Suzanne and Mia discuss the importance of intuition in her working process, how she developed it and how you can begin to recognize it in your own work - allowing you to unlock your own creative potential.

Creative Contemplation with Suzanne Lago Arthur
S2E3 Carrie Callaghan

S2E3 Carrie Callaghan

Creative Contemplation podcast host & creator, Suzanne Lago Arthur has a discussion with novelist Carrie Callaghan about her work, her development as a writer and what art and writing have in common.

Creative Contemplation with Suzanne Lago Arthur
Mel Leipzig

S2E2 Mel Leipzig

Creative Contemplation podcast host & creator Suzanne Lago Arthur interviews realist painter and living legend, Mel Leipzig about his work and training, the famous artists he's known and how the art scene has evolved during his long and productive lifetime.

Creative Contemplation with Suzanne Lago Arthur
Jotham Malavé Maldonado

S2E1 Jotham Malavé Maldonado

Season 2 of the Creative Contemplation podcast returns with a discussion between host & creator, Suzanne Lago Arthur and Puerto Rican artist Jotham Malavé Maldonado about his work, his formation as an artist and his inspirations.


Season 1

Creative Contemplation with Suzanne Lago Arthur
Trisha Adams

S1E7 Trisha Adams

Creative Contemplation podcast host & creator, Suzanne Lago Arthur and contemporary representational painter, Trisha Adams discus her work and her journey to painting as well as outline suggestions for your New Year's Goals that you can implement in 2023 to help make your creative business thrive.

Creative Contemplation with Suzanne Lago Arthur
Edmond Praybe

S1E6 Edmond Praybe

Creative Contemplation podcast host & creator, Suzanne Lago Arthur has an illuminating conversation with oil painter Edmond (“Ed”) Praybe about his work, his training and early influences and how he became the painter he is today. In addition, Ed generously shares his insight on how other artists can hone their own intuition, artistic vision and unique style.

Creative Contemplation with Suzanne Lago Arthur
Jeff Huntington and Julia Gibb

S1E5 Jeff Huntington and Julia Gibb

Creative Contemplation podcast host & creator, Suzanne Lago Arthur interviews Annapolis based husband and wife artist duo, Jeff Huntington and Julia Gibb. In addition to pursuing their own artistic careers, Jeff and Julia are the founders of the nonprofit Future History Now which creates public murals while mentoring and collaborating with at-risk youths. One of their most celebrated projects is the 7,000-square-foot portrait of Breonna Taylor created in 2020.

Breonna Taylor Mural Project, mural by Future History Now, Chambers Park, Annapolis, MD (photo by Maurice Taylor).

Creative Contemplation with Suzanne Lago Arthur
Janis Goodman

S1E4 Janis Goodman

Creative Contemplation podcast host & creator, Suzanne Lago Arthur interviews Washington DC oil painter, Fine Arts Professor and TV Arts Commentator on WETA's Around Town, Janis Goodman. Janis and Suzanne discuss what inspires her work, her education and training, the importance of residencies for an artist, the closure of the Corcoran Gallery of Art and rebirth of the Corcoran School of Art as the GW Corcoran School of the Arts & Design.

Craetive Contemplation with Suzanne Lago Arthur
Kathleen Speranza

S1E3 Kathleen Speranza

Creative Contemplation podcast host & creator, Suzanne Lago Arthur interviews oil painter Kathleen Speranza about her work, her education and training, and her advice to painters who want to make their work more emotive, Suzanne and Kathleen go deep on discussing the sublime in art and its influences in her work. This episode is an ode to the rose, which is a frequent subject in Kathleen's work.

This Kathleen Speranza podcast is also available on Youtube. And be sure to check out the “Workshop Wednesday” blog post detailing one of Speranza’s in-person workshops by clicking here.

Creative Contemplation with Suzanne Lago Arthur
Shawn Grove

S1E2 Shawn Grove

Creative Contemplation podcast host & creator, Suzanne Lago Arthur interviews potter Shawn Grove about his work, the craft and inspiration behind it, his daily & seasonal studio routines, his lifestyle and philosophy towards art making.

Creative Contemplation with Suzanne Lago Arthur
Teresa Oaxaca

S1E1 Teresa Oaxaca

In this inaugural launch of the Creative Contemplation podcast, host Suzanne Lago Arthur interviews painter Teresa Oaxaca about her varied creative outlets, her painting practice and her thoughts on creativity.