2021 Online Class And Workshop Schedule
An example of a class demo broken down week by week for you to replicate at home.
This COVID pandemic has left many of us finding our silver linings where we can. 2020 forced us to find new ways of doing things; for me that involved mask wearing, curbside delivery and bringing my art classes on-line. I never expected that making such a pivot would transform my teaching practice as much as it has. This has involved purchasing new video equipment and learning how to use video editing programs like Adobe Premiere. I have now taught over 60 weekly online classes and introduced a new 4 Week Adult Beginner - Intermediate Online Class as well as an online workshop.
In 2021 I plan on expanding my repertoire to include 10 new online classes, expanding upon the 4 Week Adult Class and adding an abbreviated 1 day - 3 hour workshop every other month. All my classes with the exception of my Teen class will be focused around a changing still life theme.
Still Life has a lot to offer the beginner to intermediate artist and that is why I am focusing on it for my online classes. For the beginner student it gets you off to running start very quickly teaching you how to handle your materials, composition/simplification of shapes and value control. For the more intermediate student it opens up the world of textures and edge sensitivity which is crucial on your journey to becoming a master. Everything I teach in these classes can be applied to working from life which is invaluable to your studio practice. The lessons you learn working from life will animate all your work - especially any work you do from photography.
I am offering the following classes for 2021. I hope some of you will join me!
Reviewing homework after Week 1 of the Sept Zinnias 4 Week Adult Beginner - Intermediate Online Class.
Adult Beginner - Intermediate 4 week Oil Painting Class
Weekly Zoom 1 hour Online Class
Cost $150
Date & Time: Thursdays 5:30 - 6:30 PM EST
February “Lenten Roses Still Life”: 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th
April “Daffodils Still Life” : 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th
June “Roses Still Life”: 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th
Aug “Shellfish Still Life”: 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th
Oct “Pumpkins Still Life”: 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th
Learn how to paint in oil from the comfort of your own home! This weekly 1 hour class is geared toward the beginner through intermediate level student and will cover the foundations and best practices of oil painting. Students will follow along as artist Suzanne Lago Arthur breaks down her painting technique into simple steps that can be replicated at home. Weekly homework is encouraged to get the full impact of the weekly lessons. An approximate 30 min critique will be added to the class starting on Weeks 2 - 4 (may be shorter or longer in duration based on class enrollment). Zoom link and materials list will be emailed to student closer to the start date of class.
1 Day Themed Online Zoom Painting Workshops
Cost: $75
Date & Time: Fridays 12 - 3 PM EST
Sept 17th “Tomato on the vine”:
Join artist Suzanne Lago Arthur for a quick, informative and budget friendly 1 day - 3 hour themed oil painting workshop. Every other month we will explore a new theme and the best practices used in convincingly painting the subject. This class will be taught over Zoom. Work in whatever medium you prefer (the principles taught are universal) but oil painting will be the main topic of discussion. Zoom link and materials list will be emailed to student closer to the start date of class.
Weekly Zoom Online Class
Date and Time: Wednesday nights @ 7:00 PM EST
Cost: $60 for 4, 1 hour weekly classes. Please click on link for enrollment.
This class will give the budding teen artist a strong foundation in both drawing and painting, Students begin their study with me drawing monochromatically and will then progress to color theory with pastels, watercolors and ultimately acrylics. Students work at their own pace on individual projects and are encouraged to send photos of their work for timely feedback.
Note: A materials list will be sent out upon enrollment in the class.