Making and Keeping New Year's Resolutions
9 of the 22 finished paintings I completed in 2019.
Like many of you, I started on my New Year’s resolutions yesterday. So far, so good!
I’m kidding of course, but I do think it is possible to keep your New Year’s resolutions, the key is just to make them simple from the get go. Its even better if it is a small daily habit that when compounded over time makes a big difference in your life.
Mine are the following:
1) Do not go more than 24 hours without doing studio work
2) Sketch everyday
3) Work out 5xs a week
I started out with a much longer list initially, but when I really dug down deep to the “why” behind most of my resolutions, it became obvious to me that what was driving them was one main idea: that I want to live a long, healthy and prolific life. So I cut out anything that did not directly support that goal. These 3 resolutions made the cut because they all support my why and they are simple enough to do.
Do you have any resolutions or strategies that you would like to share? I would love to hear them!
One last thing, I have to share this funny poll I took on Instagram on the topic. Not sure what this says about the ambition of my followers on IG, but it certainly gave me a laugh!
Have a great 2020 everyone!